Along with The Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth (CSP) at the University of Zurich went out and about around São Paulo at the start of February to explore the ecosystem of social businesses and investment. Take a look at our fantastic week in the video:
Insituto Muda
Guten News
Fabio Barbosa
Mattos Filho
Vox Capital
GPS Investimentos
On 24 March this year, day-to-day business for a vast number of Indian organisations stopped abruptly. With a complete nationwide lockdown, any operations requiring physical attendance had to shut down overnight. Here’s how we helped one of the Indian social businesses in our portfolio to overcome the combined economic and health crises of COVID-19.
Tune in to this podcast episode with Kantar and YSB to understand what best practice in Impact Measurement & Management looks like.
Our Brazilian team launched a partnership that doesn’t only look at short-term needs but prepares Brazil for an uncertain future. The partnership between Yunus Social Business, Provi, Augme Capital and VERT will help to promote skilled labour - including medicine courses - and finance students from all backgrounds to become the skilled workforce of tomorrow.