Yunus Corporate Action Tank Registrations now open until 22 January 2016
The first of its kind, Yunus Negocios Sociais Brasil has just launched its first accelerator program targeted at large corporations. The Yunus Corporate Action Tank aims to encourage projects such as the Grameen-Danone partnership, whereby large corporations can help address social issues such as malnutrition through the social business model. The Yunus Corporate Action Tank accelerator program will commence in March 2016.
Location: Brazil Application deadline: 22 January 2016 How and where to apply:!consultoria/ceqv
Are you interested in developing a social business for your company or a joint venture such as the Grameen-Danone model to help address a social problem in Brazil or globally?
The benefits for your organisation are two-fold: not only will your business contribute to addressing the social problems associated with poverty, unemployment, hunger, education, climate change and more. Social businesses are purpose driven and tend to attract top talent and fosters innovation within a traditional business setting.
Partners of this program include Singularity University, Mandalah, Data Popular, League of Intrapreneurs, BOX1824, Dom Cabral Foundation and Bank of America.
To find out more, visit Yunus Negocios Sociais Brasil website.
Reckitt and YSB are working together to deliver the Accelerator in South Africa and Brazil, focusing on scaling innovative solutions that enable access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Get to know the accelerator's approach, design, and targeted impact by reading this article.
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This year, we turn 10 years old! We are taking this opportunity to highlight and celebrate the inspiring partners in our community, reflect on the valuable lessons we've learned along the way and look forward to designing the next decade.